Sunday, 9 February 2014

IT Support Guide Computer System Architecture IT Support Guide

The importance of keeping a fault log
You might think that keeping a fault log is a waste of time, but they can prove very helpful in solving many problems. Keeping fault logs are very important as they show records of all faults that can be referred back to at later dates. They can also be useful as if you have a problem that keeps occurring, you can look back and see what has been logged in the past that can solve these problems.
If you have software and hardware problems, and they have been recorded on a fault log, then these problems can get fixed more efficiently and quickly as you can just refer back. The use of a fault log eventually saves the company time and money. . If you have a constant problem the fault logs will allow you to keep a record of them happening and this means that you may predict the problem before it happens again.

One other really good reason that fault logs are kept is to log the performance of technicians, logging the performance of the technician's means that you will be able to compare them and see who is doing better than others. From the fault logs you will be able to see which technician is a weak link and if there is any weak links you can take the employee for a training course. From the fault logs you can also see that some people could be slacking off or taking it easy if this is the case then you can put disciplinary procedures in place so that they pick up the pace. Fault logs highlight common faults on recurring machines and from the fault logs you will be able to find out why it is happening and what you can do to fix the problem
[PP1] .

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing:
Advantages of Outsourcing
Ø  Outsource your non-core activities and spend more time concentrating on your core business processes.
Ø  Offshoring gives you access to professional, expert and high-quality services.
Ø  Your organization can experience increased efficiency and productivity in non-core business processes.
Ø  You can streamline your business operations.
Ø  Offshore outsourcing can help you save on time, effort, manpower, operating costs and training costs, giving you overall cost advantage.
Ø  Outsourcing can make your organization more flexible to change.
Ø  Experience increased control of your business.
Ø  Save on investing in the latest technology, software and infrastructure and let your outsourcing partner handle the entire infrastructure.
Ø  Get the assurance that your business processes are being carried out efficiently, proficiently and within a fast turnaround time.
Ø  Offshoring can help your organization save on capital expenditures.
Ø  By outsourcing, your company can save on team management problems as your offshore partner will be managing the team who does your work.
Ø  Cater to the new and challenging demands of your customers.
Ø  Share your business risks.
Ø  Give your business a competitive advantage - increase productivity in all the areas of your business.
Ø  Outsourcing can help your organization cut its operational costs by 50% if not more.
Disadvantages of Outsourcing
Ø  While outsourcing services such as payroll processing services and tax preparation services[PP2] , your outsourcing provider will be able to see your company’s confidential information and hence there is a threat to security and confidentiality in outsourcing.
Ø  When you begin to outsource your business processes, you might find it difficult to manage the offshore provider when compared to managing processes within your organization.
Ø  Offshoring can create potential redundancies for your organization and your employees might express lack of interest or lack of quality at work.
Ø  Your outsourcing provider might not be providing services only for your organization. Since your provider might be catering to the needs of several companies, they will not be able to give your company 100% attention.
Ø  Outsourcing, though cost-effective, might have hidden costs, such as the legal costs incurred while signing a contract between companies. You might also have to spend a lot of time and effort in getting the contract signed.
Ø  With outsourcing, your organization might suffer from a lack of customer focus.
Ø  There can be several disadvantages, such as, renewing contracts, misunderstanding of the contract, lack of communication, poor quality and delayed services amongst others.
Ø  Outsourcing customer service jobs, to foreign countries, is on the rise. Many large corporations including credit card companies, shopping networks and computer manufacturers are making this change[PP3] .

 [PP1]Good start.
You also need to discuss solutions database.
Include examples from the report log extract where a fault log could have helped or would help in the future if logged.
 [PP2]We need to be talking about outsourcing IT support
 [PP3]This seems to have been picked from the internet and not referenced. You need to put the discussion in your own words with references else it will be classed as plagiarism.
Also, make sure your discussion focusses on outsourcing technical support services.

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